Alexander Statue in Skopje aufgestellt

Viele Schaulustige - darunter viele Prominente - offizielle Einweihung am Unabhängigkeitstag am 8. September

"Warrior on a Horseback" erected at Skopje square "Macedonia"

UPDATE: New-Links-Pics: 
Alexander Statue, Skopje - Republik Mazedonien

In the presence of numerous citizens, Skopje Mayor Koce Trajanovski and author Valentina Stefanovska, sculpture "Warrior on a Horseback" was erected Tuesday at Skopje square "Macedonia".

"I am overjoyed that you have come here to see the sculpture that I have been working on in the past three years. I hope that once the entire work is completed, you will see the real picture and everyone will be even more satisfied", said Stefanovska.

She voiced her pride that "Warrior on a Horseback" would be Macedonia's legacy for generations to come.

The 13m-tall bronze sculpture, cast in Florence foundry "Ferdinando Marinelli" , is placed on a 10m concrete pedestal surrounded by a fountain.

Following the sculpture erection, the space around the fountain will be arranged, along with appropriate lighting.

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