Mehmeti: I am not Macedonian MP, just work in Macedonian Parliament

DUI's Ermira Mehmeti in an interview for Tirana based "Klan TV" says she too dreams of Great Albania and a country where all Albanians will live together.

Was Mehmeti not aware that there is such a country already called Albania!?

The DUI MP, known in Skopje circles as having unusually turbulent and busy nightlife, butted heads with famous Albanian analyst Fatos Ljubonja who is known for grilling ethnic Albanian politicians. 

Ljubonja told Mehmeti that she is a "Macedonian MP, working in and for Macedonia which as a country that has other ethnicities inlcluding Albanians" and asked whether "Your party is working to carve up Macedonia". To this, Mehmeti replied that she only works in Macedonian Parliament, but she is not a Macedonian MP.

Tirana based analysts always appear stunned by such statements, how unloyal ethnic Albanian politicians are towards Macedonia and the fact that they have not been prosecuted for spreading ethnic tensions, hate speech and treason! 

Politicians of the types of Mehmeti and Menduh Thaci prefer using media in Albania for provocative statements. DPA's leader for instance stated for TV Ora News in Tirana that Macedonia was an artificial country (on par with Greek statements). Both Mehmeti and Thaci followed recent statement from Kosovo's PM of the great desire to have all Albanians live in the same country.