Polizei Hubschrauber bei Strumica abgestürzt - 4 Tote

Vier Menschen sind beim Absturz eines Mi-17 Hubschraubers in der Nähe der makedonischen Stadt Strumica ums Leben gekommen. Die Maschine ist am Donnerstagabend aus ungeklärten Gründen gegen einen Mast geprallt und in Flammen aufgegangen, Augenzeugen berichteten das der Hubschrauber sichtliche Probleme hatte und dann gegen einen Masten prallte. Alle Insassen und der Pilot sind verstorben. Es handelt sich um 3 Mitglieder der Hubschrauberstaffel des makedonischen Innenministeriums und einen Kommandanten der Polizeiabteilung "Jastrebi". (Siehe Text unter den Bildern)

Four people killed in yesterday’s helicopter crash in Strumica are members of the helicopter unit of the Ministry of Interior Affairs and the pilots with many years of experience.

Killed were:
Dragi Micev born on 1969 in Strumica, Head – helicopter pilot unit with work experience of 34 years.
Marjan Trajkovikj born on 1967 in Kumanovo, the pilot – captain with work experience of 37 years.
Tode Oreshkov born on 1970 in Rozhden – Kavadarci aviation inspector licensing of aviation pilot with working experience of 36 years and
Ilo Lopatichki born on 1968 in Bitola, commander – pilot with working experience of 36 years.

Minister of Interior Affairs Gordana Jankulovska noted that this is the best staff and four experienced colleagues with great professional experience who knew how to love their country.

According to the first information, the helicopter crashed into the transmitter antenna and further will be determined whether was lit.

-Pilots flew from Skopje, Kavadarci, Valandovo, Strumica, Berovo, Delchevo and vice versa. The helicopter owned by MIA was regularly serviced and pilots during flight did not complained of any problems. They used equipment for night flying, said Jankuloska.

At the where tragedy happened, were found the two black boxes and informed the manufacturer that should open and listen them.